‘Greening up the Mountains’ for RFK Jr

A successful day at the 'Greening Up the Mountains' Festival with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. garnering 75% favorability. Many were surprised by his presidential candidacy due to lack of media coverage. Engaging conversations on critical issues united people from all parties. The 'Berlin Wall' exhibit and then a lively music event capped off the day in historic Dillsboro, NC.

Media Dishonesty

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., in an interview with CNN, criticized the media's failure to provide accurate and thorough reporting, raising the question of whether true journalism is dead in 2024. He expressed his commitment to ensuring accuracy, discussed his candidacy's ballot access and choice of vice presidential candidate, Nicole Shanahan, and addressed his potential impact on the presidential election and his family's reactions. Additionally, he voiced his concerns about the debt crisis, chronic disease epidemic, and the need for systemic change in the government. Kennedy emphasized that neither Biden nor Trump have the capacity to solve these critical issues, and he highlighted the importance of challenging the binary choice presented to voters.

Watch – RFK Jr VP announcement today

On March 26, 2024, Robert F Kennedy Jr will announce his VP choice at the Henry J Kaiser Center for the Arts in Oakland, CA. Despite challenges from the DNC, his grassroots movement continues to support his bid for the presidency. Attend the event or watch it live here.

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